Saturday, October 5, 2019

Sayer and Joyce Deliver Blues Excellence On "Makes You Stronger"

Sayer and Joyce are two very talented musicians from the UK. They recently got added to the growing roster of great artists on the Gulf Coast Music Label. Together they create an almost junior version of the Tedeschi Trucks Band template. Their brand new album, Makes You Stronger, is a near flawless collection of soul infused blues rock. Other than the drumming, all the instruments are performed by Sayer and Joyce.

The highlights are as follows: The funky rocker "Backbone" that almost has a Janis Joplin vibe to it. "My Hard Life" with it's gutsy vocals and straight forward rock approach. The Muscle Shoals influenced "Life Is What Happens" complete with lots of brass and funky guitar licks. "I Get Up Again" with it's driving mid-tempo beat and perfect melodic build up. Ron's guitar precision on "No Galahad" and the infectious blues rocker "Too Much, Too Soon".

This is a very accessible collection of songs that breeze in and out and engage the hearer with stellar playing, singing and songwriting. This is blues for both die hard bluesers and fans of old time rock and soul. Another home run from Gulf Coast Records. Sayer and Joyce makes the roster even better than it was before.


  1. Again, another smokin' hot act not previously on my radar, and from
    a casual listen to "Backbone", gotta admit that I dig their sound a
    little more than the current incarnation of the Tedeschi Trucks Band.
    Sweeter vocals and grittier, less cluttered production, despite the
    inclusion of those oh-so-tasty horns. One thing's for certain: Charlotte Joyce is definitely a lot easier on both the ears and eyes
    than Janis Joplin ever was (sorry for the shallow!!).

  2. Agree on all accounts. Was looking for a musical reference point on TTB.


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