Thursday, December 26, 2019

Lindsey Webster's Breathtaking New "Feels Like Forever"

Lindsey Webster's work has been absolutely stunning from the very beginning. Her smokey, sultry, late night jazzy vocal, coupled with arrangements and melodies others can only dream about, are what makes her work stand out. Her latest single, "Feels Like Forever" is the next phase in her evolution as an artist. The singer she's most compared to is Sade. But there is something straight forward and more accessible in the way this comes off. How this isn't on the radio instead of the moronic electronic drivel is maddening. This woman's catalog is a how-to manual on how to create jazzy west-coast pop. And to hear actual musical instruments playing these melodious couplets is pleasantly counter cultural. The vocals alone on this track will restore your faith in the world. She has such an elusive gift. We wait patiently for a new album which should drop soon.


  1. Loved those Manhattan Transfer-esque vocal harmonies off the top!! Very
    well done piece of music and while I can hear slight traces of Sade at her best, overall this comes off much more as West Coast smooth jazz work of art. Tasty guitar, piano and percussion work are also quite impressive. Yet another artist whom I was previously unfamiliar with
    Also, artists such as Take 6 (backing vocals) and Swing Out Sister
    (musical arrangements) also come to mind. Great find!!

    1. All of the above is true and good references, especially the Swing Out Sister. West coast music is becoming more and more a part of what I am these days. I do through phases and right now I'm out west.

  2. Not too mention, some of your recent picks have also moved even further
    into an increasingly (Country &) Western state of mind! Absolutely nothing wrong with that, as long as the music is written, arranged and performed by flesh and blood humans and not those dreaded Skynet machines that James Cameron's been warnin' us 'bout for over 35 years now! Personally, if I ever got my hands on a fully-functional souped-up
    Doc Brown DeLorean, well I'd drive it into the studio where Cher's "Believe" was birthed and take out that blasted tech for all time!

  3. Sorry, poor editing, 'too' should obviously read as 'to' in the first sentence above!

    1. Yeah that tune unfortunately began a horrible trend. I like her stuff back in the 80's and prior. And it's only gotten worse. It costs very little to create a digital piece of crap to sell to the minions who only know about digital crap!

  4. In fact, Cher's '82 album "I Paralyze" is a lost melodic rock classic
    and virtually impossible to find on CD. I have a copy on cassette
    purchased for a buck from a now-defunct NYC record store in the late


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